Xstrahl to showcase RADiant at DEGRO 2015 in Hamburg, Germany

Xstrahl will attend this year’s Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie e.V. (DEGRO) in Hamburg, Germany from 25th – 28th June.

There will be 4,000 attendees from around Europe looking to get the latest information and technology in the name of science.

Taking center stage will be the recently launched RADiant system. Xstrahl have worked with clinicians to develop a system that will allow an even greater number of patients to choose this surgery free, non-invasive treatment option. With a focus on cure, RADiant is the evolution in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers. Xstrahl Medical will also be showcasing the existing comprehensive range of superficial and orthovoltage X-ray therapy systems (Xstrahl 100, 150, 200 and 300). Xstrahl is the leading designer and manufacturer of low-dose X–Ray medical solutions, providing nonsurgical alternatives for patients with superficial skin disorders, and benign conditions.

Xstrahl Life Sciences will display their range of radiation based scientific research solutions. The Xstrahl booth will allow attendees to witness how cancer research is being enhanced by Xstrahl’s SARRP Image Guided Micro-Irradiator (IGMI™). SARRP is enhancing understanding of how radiation interacts with tissue, the mechanisms of DNA repair and ultimately how radiation can be used in the most effective way to improve patient centred healthcare.

Xstrahl are excited to be part of the 21st Annual Meeting of the German Society of Radiation Oncology and to share our vision of enabling a future where every patient receives patient centered healthcare.

Please visit us at booth #F18 if you would like to experience more from Xstrahl!

Follow our tweets from the conference @XstrahlMedical and @XstrahlLifeSci or feel free join in on #DEGRO2015.

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