Self-calibrated algorithms for diffuse optical tomography and bioluminescence tomography using relative transmission images

Reconstruction algorithms for diffuse optical tomography (DOT) and bioluminescence tomography (BLT) have been developed based on diffusion theory. The algorithms numerically solve the diffusion equation using the finite element method. The direct measurements of the uncalibrated light fluence rates by a camera are used for the reconstructions. The DOT is self-calibrated by using all possible pairs of transmission images obtained with external sources along with the relative values of the simulated data and the calculated Jacobian. The reconstruction is done in the relative domain with the cancelation of any geometrical or optical factors. The transmission measurements for the DOT are used for calibrating the bioluminescence measurements at each wavelength and then a normalized system of equations is built up which is self-calibrated for the BLT. The algorithms have been applied to a three dimensional model of the mouse (MOBY) segmented into tissue regions which are assumed to have uniform optical properties. The DOT uses the direct method for calculating the Jacobian. The BLT uses a reduced space of eigenvectors of the Green’s function with iterative shrinking of the permissible source region. The reconstruction results of the DOT and BLT algorithms show good agreement with the actual values when using either absolute or relative data. Even a small calibration error causes significant degradation of the reconstructions based on absolute data.

Naser MA, Patterson MS & Wong JW.

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