Sana Klinikum Offenbach: New radiotherapy device for X-ray therapy

Since October 2017, the radiation clinic and MVZ radiotherapy at the Sana Klinikum Offenbach have a new orthovolt device for X-ray irradiation. “We are pleased to be able to offer our patients another treatment option with the new device,” explains chief physician Prof. Dr. med. med. Peter Niehoff. The advantage of the new device is that it uses low energy and thus minimizes stress on surrounding tissue. X-ray irradiation is used in inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases and connective tissue diseases. Prof. Niehoff explains the possible uses: “These diseases include wear disorders such as the so-called tennis elbow as well as joint arthrosis of the finger joints or knees, bursitis in the shoulder or hip joint, the heel spur and much more.”

“In up to 70 percent of cases, patients are symptom free after X-ray irradiation, and there are virtually no side effects other than transient irritation,” says Niehoff, explaining the clear benefits to the patient. In some cases, a second treatment makes sense. The new device was also purchased for the surface treatment of skin tumors. Irradiation of superficial skin tumors is an alternative to surgical removal with good cosmetic results, especially in older and selected patients.

Prof. Niehoff has been head of the Radiation Clinic at Sana Klinikum Offenbach since September 2016 and draws a very positive conclusion: “We are here in Offenbach, a very experienced team and well-equipped in medical technology. In addition, we work very well with colleagues in the field and can offer patients many benefits through the interdisciplinary coordination within the hospital. “With the new X-ray therapy device, the specialists at the Sana Klinikum Offenbach now have more and better treatment capacities available. “Due to the high chances of success with low side effects, the costs for a therapy with X-ray radiation are taken over by the health insurance”, so Niehoff, patients need only a referral by the resident specialist or family doctor.


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