The Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP) is a novel and complete system capable of delivering multidirectional (focal), kilo-voltage radiation fields to targets in small animals under robotic control using cone-beam CT (CBCT) image guidance. The capability of the SARRP to deliver highly focused beams to multiple animal models provides new research opportunities that more realistically bridge laboratory research and clinical translation. This paper describes the design and operation of the SARRP for precise radiation delivery. Different delivery procedures are presented which enable the system to radiate through a series of points, representative of a complex shape. A particularly interesting case is shell dose irradiation, where the goal is to deliver a high dose of radiation to the shape surface, with minimal dose to the shape interior. The ability to deliver a dose shell allows mechanistic research of how a tumor interacts with its microenvironment to sustain its growth and lead to its resistance or recurrence.
Matinfar M, Iordachita I, Wong J & Kazanzides P.
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SARRP Research Spotlight: Dr. George Wilson
George Wilson, PhD, Chief, Radiation Biology, William Beaumont Hospital Radiation Biology focuses on translational research in the areas of new treatments, combined modalities, and stem cell biology. The group has a heavy emphasis on incorporating molecular,...