RADiant provides surface radiation therapy treatment for a wide range of superficial skin conditions, including basal and squamous cell carcinoma. RADiant is the first dual-modality system designed for dermatologists to offer both electronic brachytherapy and superficial radiation therapy. In this webinar, Dr. Steven Davis, medical director of The Dermatology & Laser Center of San Antonio, describes these modalities, patient selection criteria, and outcomes. Dr. Davis has performed more than 25,000 skin cancer operations and chose Xstrahl’s RADiant system to expand his practice.
Spotlight on Precision Dermatology: Texas Physicians Work Together to Expand NMSC Treatment Options
One common question dermatologists often ask about incorporating radiation therapy into their practice is “How much involvement do I need from a radiation oncologist?” Regulations concerning physician supervision, reimbursement, and radiation shielding can vary quite...