Geislinger Zeitung: Radiation therapy comes to Geislingen

Since mid-May, Geislingen clinic has had a radiotherapy system, which allows the patients to save the time they used to spend to get to the one-minute therapy sessions in Göppingen clinic.

The Doctor Dr. Hans-Joachim Thiel is pleased: Since mid-May, the modern radiation therapy system with the futuristic name “Xstrahl 200” has been located in the Geislingen branch of the Göppingen Practice “Radiologie Filstal”.

This is a radiotherapy system that is used to relieve pain on joints, tendons, mucous membranes or soft tissues and to inhibit inflammation by means of X-ray irradiation. “The special thing about this system is that it brings the required radiation dose exactly to the place where the inflammation sits,” emphasizes the radiologist. This protects the skin surface as well as the area around the inflammation.

Dr Hans-Joachim Thiel and his five physician colleagues have been treating with the same system at their main clinic in Göppingen for two years. In general, patients have to come to eight sessions for an improvement of their complaints – two times a week for four weeks. However, irradiation itself takes only one minute. “This means that the effort a patient had to travel from the Geislinger area to get to Göppingen was not related to the time of the treatment,” explains Céline Feige, the practice manager, explaining the reason for the purchase of a second radiation therapy system. “We should also take into account that most of our patients are elderly who struggle with the corresponding diseases. And many of them have a problem with getting to Göppingen at all.”

Prior to Xstrahl 200 installation at the Geislingen branch of “Radiologie Filstal” the previously unused rooms were rebuilt at Überkingerstraße 14. There is now a separate waiting room in bright colors and works of art on the walls. “We had to observe radiation protection aspects and regulations”, informs Céline Feige and mentions lead screening on the walls of the room, radiation-protected doors and lead glass window between the control room and the irradiation room.


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