Reduce Pain, Preserve Function, and Maintain Quality of Life: New Perspectives for Radiation Therapy

Musculoskeletal disorders affect a wide percentage of the population, causing significant pain and reducing functionality both in professional and leisure activities. Possible treatments for these debilitating conditions can be a significant and ongoing burden to the afflicted persons and overall to the national health systems. Thus, the implementation of low-dose radiation therapy can be very effective in reducing pain symptoms and improving joint function, while providing a cost-effective treatment option.

Join Xstrahl, the Radioonkologie Netzwerk ( and Prof. Dr. Med. M. Heinrich Seegenschmiedt from the RON Radio-Oncological Network Radiotherapy Practice Osnabrück, Osnabrück (Germany), who will describe the use of x-ray-based radiation therapy to treat degenerative disorders including arthrosis / osteoarthritis, tendinosis / tendinitis and bursitis on various hot spots of the human body.


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