Adrian Treverton has been promoted to Group CEO

January 4th, 2018 – The Xstrahl Group officially announced that Adrian Treverton has been promoted to Group CEO. This comes as the previous CEO, Martin Robinson retired in the new year after working for the company nearly 20 years.

Adrian had more than 10 years of industry leadership experience before coming to Xstrahl, as an International sales manager in 2006. As Sales Director, he took the lead on building up Xstrahl’s distributor network and growing the US subsidiary, ultimately moving to the USA in 2011 to continue his work with the Life Science brand.  In 2013 Adrian was appointed Chief Operations Officer and continued to build a strong team around him.

Announcing Adrian’s appointment Martin Robinson said: “The management team, led by Adrian, are a talented and dedicated young force and I know they will take the business from strength to strength. I am confident and excited about Xstrahl’s future.” Martin will continue as a Non-Executive Chairman for the future.

Adrian Treverton said: “I am excited to be appointed CEO of Xstrahl and its great team. We would not have been able to achieve what we have up to now without the strong leadership of Martin Robinson, his support, mentorship and dedication. My intention is to continue to grow Xstrahl, by listening to our customers, creating innovative solutions and delivering the best customer service”

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