Addressing radiological risks; Xstrahl attends the NTI and Emory University workshop in Atlanta

On February 22-23, Xstrahl took part in the workshop hosted by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and Emory University for various institutions in Atlanta, Georgia on radiological security which included representatives from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and other major hospitals in Atlanta.

This event in Atlanta follows significant advancements achieved in New York City and California to replace cesium irradiators with effective alternative technologies that significantly reduce the risk posed by high-activity radiological sources.

Cesium-137 is an isotope used in medical equipment such as in last generation radiotherapy systems or irradiators. Used in most countries around the world, with hundreds in the United States alone, the concerns over the dangerous radioactive isotope being used in a terrorist attack, and its safe and responsible disposable have caused issues for a long time.

To help the hospitals and officials learn more about radiological risks and steps to take to replace cesium irradiators with alternative x-ray technologies, the NTI developed a new technical resources page.

Adrian Treverton, Xstrahl Chief Executive Officer, who represented Xstrahl at the event, commented: “The replacement of cesium source irradiators is a very important initiative. While we recognize the vital role these irradiators have in ground breaking research, we must understand the benefits of moving to safer X-Ray technology.  Such events are of paramount importance, as they serve as a platform for Leading Scientists to gather together, discuss and raise awareness about dangerous isotopes usage threats, and also develop recommendation and a plan of actions on additional steps that can be taken to further reduce the risk posed by radiological sources”.

NTI and Emory University are recognized as leaders in helping to reduce radiological risks. In 2016, Emory University Hospital received the “Medical Innovation Award” at the Nuclear Industry Summit for its efforts to help reduce radiological threats.  NTI works globally with governments and industry on strategies to better secure and eliminate dangerous radiological materials.

To find out more about the NTI’s initiative please visit their website. For further information on safer X-ray technology for your lab, like x-ray irradiators, partner with Xstrahl.

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