The Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) conference in Boston, September 26 – 28, will see Xstrahl Ltd (Booth 7057) showcase a range of new and updated products and systems. The Medical side of the business will be presenting the updated RADiant system, whilst Xstrahl Life Sciences highlights the recent developments and new accessories for SARRP. The ASTRO Annual Meeting is the world’s most important meeting for the radiation oncology community, with more than 11,000 people attending. The new and existing Xstrahl range of Medical and Life Sciences systems perfectly fits with the theme for this year’s ASTRO meeting ‘Enhancing Value, Improving Outcomes’.
Xstrahl continues to lead the way in radiation therapy for non-melanoma skin cancers and dermatological conditions with the new RADiant system, displayed at ASTRO 2016. Xstrahl has worked with clinicians to develop a system that will allow an even greater number of patients to choose this surgery free, non-invasive treatment option. With a focus on cure, RADiant is the evolution in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers.
Connect with Xstrahl at ASTRO with XBridge. Xstrahl Medical will launch the next generation in 3rd party connectivity for Xstrahl systems, XBridge. With XBridge Xstrahl users have the ability to communicate with 3rd party clinical information systems such as ARIA, MOSAIQ, Medavis, Medistar, WinRadiologie, and many others that have relevant interchange standards enabled. XBridge with Concerto enables data import of patient demographics and export of treatment information, ensuring traceability throughout a patient’s treatment.
Improving outcomes starts in the lab. The Xstrahl SARRP Image Guided Micro-Irradiator is the most advanced system available for Pre-clinical radio biology research . ASTRO will give the industry a chance to experience a number of new and updated accessories for their image guided micro irradiators, including SARRP4D. SARRP continues to mimic the clinic by providing a first of its kind in preclinical research. Adaptive radiotherapy, is now commonly used in the clinic. SARRP 4D has been designed to provide this same advanced treatment technique for animals. The system monitors the thoracic cavity and adjusts the irradiation beam for the movement, avoiding irradiation to normal tissue. The attachment is comprised of an ion chamber, a filter changer, and a rapid response gating system. Compatible with both the variable collimators and micro collimators.
SARRP has been developed to match the standard of care for radiation treatments in a Pre-Clinical Setting. As with clinical radiation therapy systems, SARRP delivers complex beam arrangements from multiple directions minimizing dose to organs at risk and maximizing dose to the prescribed target. Emulating adaptive radiotherapy, SARRP has a motorized collimator and beam gating, combined with a dedicated dose planning software, Muriplan
Alex Todman, Marketing Manager at Xstrahl Ltd “This year’s ASTRO conference features the world’s leading radiation oncology and radiobiology based clinicians and researchers. Here at Xstrahl, we couldn’t be more excited, and proud to see some of our primary SARRP users presenting their work on such a platform. The ability of SARRP to bridge the clinic to the pre clinic is continuously shown not through the technical ability of the system, but by the research performed with it.”
Xstrahl look forward to meeting all collaborators, scientists and clinicians at ASTRO2016. Visit Booth 7057 to experience RADiant and SARRP.
The RADiantSystem has not yet been cleared for marketing in the USA.